USTR Announces Decision On Remaining Section 301 Exclusions

Posted on May 28

Article by: Rick Walker, Vice President, TradeInsights, LCB/CCS

Currently, there are 429 remaining Section 301 exclusions set to expire on May 31, 2024. The exclusions represented 352 previously reinstated exclusions and 77 Covid related exclusions. The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has decided to extend 164 of those 429 items until May 31, 2025, and the remaining 265 exclusions, after a 14 day transition period will now expire on Jun 14, 2024.

The notice which can be found here lists in Annex C the 164 exclusions that will be extended until May 31, 2025. Annex D in the notice lists the exclusions that will expire on June 14, 2024.

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